A knee injury can occur at any age and is one of the most common causes of time missed from work, school, and sports. The providers at North Point Orthopaedics in Munster and Crown Point, Indiana, understand the importance of accurately diagnosing and treating knee injuries. Whether you’re a young athlete, a college pro, or an active adult who wants back in the game, they can help. Schedule an evaluation today by calling the office or requesting an appointment online.

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What is the most common type of knee injury?

Your knees are the largest and arguably the strongest joints in your body. However, they’re also highly vulnerable to injury thanks to all of that time you spend standing, walking, running, and jumping. Your knees even get involved when you sit down or get back up from your favorite chair. A knee injury can affect any of the ligaments, tendons, cartilage, bones, and other tissue structures that form and surround the knee joint. The most common of these injuries are:

  • Ligament tears
  • Kneecap (patella) fractures
  • Tendon strains and tears
  • Torn meniscus
  • Patellar tendonitis
  • Dislocated kneecap

Sports are a common cause of knee injury, but trauma sustained during a fall or car accident can also cause significant knee damage.

What is the most common sports-related knee injury?

Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries are commonly related to sports that require frequent pivoting, jumping, and starting and stopping on the court or field. These include basketball, football, and soccer, but even a quick stop while jogging on the neighborhood trail can tear your ACL. Symptoms of an ACL tear include a snapping or popping sensation at the time of the injury, the feeling that your knee is giving way, and the inability to straighten the leg. Don’t ignore these symptoms in favor of finishing the game or your run, since doing so can worsen the damage. The specialists at North Point Orthopaedics also rate meniscus injuries high on the “most common” list. These injuries occur when one or both of the C-shaped pads of cartilage (menisci) that act as cushions between the femur (thighbone) and tibia (shinbone) tear as the result of twisting, turning, or being tackled. Aging and arthritis also increase your risk of a meniscal tear, which can occur even during an awkward stumble or twist of the knee when arising from a chair.

When should I see a doctor for a knee injury?

The specialists at North Point Orthopaedics recommend scheduling a visit if you:

  • Experience severe or sudden sharp knee pain
  • Hear a popping noise or feel a snapping sensation in your knee
  • Experience pain with certain movements such as bending or straightening the knee
  • Note swelling, redness, or other deformity of the knee
  • Can’t walk without limping

You should also schedule a visit if your pain, swelling, and other symptoms seem to improve but then return or worsen. Call the nearest North Point Orthopaedics office today to schedule your knee evaluation or request an appointment online.