What is carpal tunnel syndrome?
Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is a relatively common disorder that irritates and inflames the median nerve, which runs from your forearm through a small passageway in the wrist called the carpal tunnel. The median nerve supplies sensation to the palm side of your thumb, index, middle, and ring fingers, as well as carrying nerve signals that control movement around the base of the thumb.
What are the symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome?
CTS causes varying degrees of weakness, numbness, tingling, and electric shock-like pains in the affected hand and forearm. Initially, symptoms occur periodically and may worsen with activities such as gripping objects or typing. The condition also frequently causes nighttime symptoms that may wake you from sleep and lessen if you shake your hands. However, the numbness, tingling, and pain related to CTS often become constant as the nerve irritation worsens and can cause permanent nerve and muscle damage if not treated.
What causes carpal tunnel syndrome?
CTS occurs when the median nerve is squeezed or compressed as it travels through the carpal tunnel in your wrist. This compression can result from various factors such as wrist fractures, congenital narrowing of the carpal tunnel, age-related thickening of ligaments, inflammatory conditions like arthritis, and chronic conditions affecting circulation and nerve health. Workplace activities involving repetitive wrist flexion or the use of vibratory tools might also increase the risk of CTS.
How do you treat carpal tunnel syndrome?
Early treatment may include rest, avoiding aggravating activities, over-the-counter medications to relieve pain and inflammation, and splinting to keep wrists aligned during sleep. Corticosteroid injections into the wrist can also decrease inflammation and pain. If conservative treatment fails or symptoms are severe, surgery to relieve pressure on the median nerve may be recommended.
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