A broken or dysfunctional hip can make it feel like your youthful, active years are being cut short. Yet, a hip replacement might be an option to keep you mobile and on your feet.
Although most hip pain improves immensely with noninvasive treatment and rehabilitation, there are cases where it persists beyond any attempts at finding relief. A total hip replacement might seem like a huge step to take, but for many people, it’s the key to long-term relief and mobility. In fact, a total hip replacement might allow you to play your favorite sports again.
If you injure or damage your hip in your 40s or 50s, or perhaps even earlier, you might assume you’re too young for such a major surgery. Fortunately, this might not be the case. Thanks to advancements in surgical techniques, North Point Orthopaedics provides hip replacement surgeries to multiple age groups — not just the elderly.
At our offices in Munster, Crown Point, and Valparaiso, Indiana, you can rely on our expert surgeons and orthopedists to give you the best possible treatment outcome, with or without surgery.
When to consider hip replacement
Your age probably won’t factor into the decision on whether to get a hip replacement unless you’re particularly old and frail. The least invasive treatment approach is always a priority, but sometimes less invasive care cannot effectively resolve your pain or control increasing damage in the joint.
A total hip replacement can address hip pain or dysfunction that:
- Limits your mobility and independence
- Feels uncomfortable, even when you’re at rest
- Gets worse or stays the same with noninvasive treatment
- Doesn’t seem to improve with physical therapy
The top reasons for getting a total hip replacement are osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and hip injuries leading to osteonecrosis (a collapsed bone).
Contrary to what you might assume, arthritis doesn’t just affect the elderly. In fact, it’s possible, although rare, for arthritis to start during childhood. You probably won’t need to think about a hip replacement until the condition has progressed, and even then you may be able to improve your quality of life with noninvasive treatment.
How to get the most out of a total hip replacement
If hip replacement is on the table for you, you should be aware that physical therapy and rehabilitation are crucial for helping you recover from surgery and utilize the joint. You can prepare for the recovery process by getting into shape before the surgery and plan on continuing to exercise and eat healthy foods after you recover.
The younger you get hip replacement surgery, the more likely you are to have a full and swift recovery. It helps that younger people tend to have better overall health than older individuals.
Keeping the future in mind
One potential drawback of having hip replacement surgery young is the possibility of needing another surgery in the distant future. While many hip replacement parts are now very high quality and are largely biocompatible, you’re more active when you’re younger, which can lead to stress and pain in the joint nonetheless.
Hip revision surgery might be on the horizon for you one day so you can continue using your artificial hip joint without pain or restriction.
For any hip pain or stiffness that seems to be worsening, schedule a treatment consultation over the phone or online at your closest North Point Orthopaedics office right away.